Why the Targaryens Kept It in the Family!

Targaryen incest might seem shocking, but it had a purpose beyond just keeping the bloodline pure. Inspired by the Ptolemaic dynasty of Egypt, the Targaryens married within the family to ensure their dragon-riding abilities stayed with them. But there’s more—this strategy also protected their rule as foreign conquerors in Westeros, preventing any half-Targaryen noble from challenging their throne. Discover how these royal customs shaped the history of Westeros and ensured the Targaryens' grip on power.

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Targaryen incest might seem unsettling, but it had a crucial purpose beyond shock value. In the books, it’s about keeping the bloodlines pure—a tactic inspired by the Ptolemaic dynasty of Egypt, the real-life model for the Targaryens. By marrying within the family, the Targaryens ensured that dragon-riding abilities stayed within their lineage. Though they sometimes married outsiders for political reasons, these instances were rare. Most Targaryens remained fiercely loyal to avoid the risk of illegitimate children who could challenge their rule with dragon power.

As foreign rulers in Westeros, the Targaryens also had to prevent a half-Targaryen noble from being seen as a more legitimate ruler. This is how Robert Baratheon used his Targaryen blood to claim the throne. Similarly, Jon Snow/Aegon Targaryen’s mixed lineage made him a strong contender. The Targaryens kept their bloodlines pure not just for dragons, but to maintain their grip on power in a land that viewed them as outsiders.

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