Sauron's Powers Explained!

In this video, we dive into the history and powers of Sauron, one of the most fearsome and cunning villains in Tolkien’s Middle-earth. Once a powerful Maiar of Aulë, Sauron became the Dark Lord, mastering the art of deception and forging the One Ring to control all others. We'll explore his many forms, from his battle with Lúthien and Huan to his manipulation of the Elves into creating the Rings of Power, and how he led the Númenóreans to their downfall. Discover how Sauron’s power, tied to the One Ring, made him both invincible and vulnerable.

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Sauron, one of the mightiest Maiar, was originally of Aulë's people and possessed vast knowledge of the world's materials. He retained this knowledge as the Dark Lord of Middle-earth, using it to forge the One Ring and build Barad-dûr. Sauron excelled in deception and shapeshifting, taking many forms, including a sorcerer, wolf, serpent, and vampire. His greatest deception was convincing the Elves to forge the Rings of Power, which he intended for his own domination.

In the Second Age, Sauron, as "Annatar," deceived the Elves and later manipulated the Númenóreans, leading them to ruin with false promises of eternal life. His power extended beyond manipulation; he could alter the physical world with his will. Despite being destroyed multiple times, Sauron’s essence endured through the One Ring, which made him both stronger with it and weaker without it. His power was concentrated in the Ring, unlike Morgoth’s, which was spread across Arda.

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