The First Age: From Elves to the Sun!

Dive deep into the mysterious First Age of Middle-earth! In this video, we explore the intricate timeline that marks the beginning of the First Age, from the awakening of the Elves to the rise of the Sun. Discover how Tolkien used two different dating systems—Valian Years and solar years—to create one of the most epic and complex eras in his legendarium. Join us as we unravel the timeline and history of this legendary age, spanning over 10,000 years, and uncover the cosmic events that shaped the future of Middle-earth!

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The First Age is one of the most mysterious and exciting eras in Tolkien's world, but establishing its start is trickier than it seems! Drafts of The Lord of the Rings appendices give us the best clue: the First Age began with the awakening of the Elves, about 4,312 years before the Sun first rose. This Age, the longest in Tolkien’s history, spanned around 4,902 years. But here's where it gets fascinating—before the Sun existed, time was measured in Valian Years, which were much longer than solar years. The Elves awoke in Valian Year 1050, equivalent to an astonishing 10,062 solar years! The Sun’s creation marked the shift to solar years, with the First Age continuing for another 590 solar years. Two different systems, two wildly different lengths of time—it’s a mind-bending journey through Middle-earth’s ancient history, full of epic events and cosmic changes!

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