Aegon Targaryen's Wrath on Dorne!

Discover the gripping tale of Aegon Targaryen's relentless campaign against Dorne in the First Dornish War. From failed diplomacy to fiery vengeance, witness the tragic loss of Queen Rhaenys and the wrath of the Targaryen dragons. Explore the intense battles, the capture of Orys Baratheon, and the fierce resistance of the Dornish people. Unveil the formation of the elite Kingsguard and the dramatic peace mission led by Princess Deria Martell. Dive into the saga of conquest, loss, and ultimate resolution in this epic chapter of Westerosi history. Don't miss this dramatic recounting of one of the most pivotal wars in the history of the Seven Kingdoms!

In 3 AC, Aegon turned his focus back on Dorne, aiming to annex the only kingdom still outside his control. Initially opting for diplomacy, which proved fruitless, he launched a forceful invasion. This marked the beginning of the tragic First Dornish War, which saw countless deaths over nine years.

The conflict was marred by the capture and mutilation of Aegon’s friend and Hand, Lord Orys Baratheon, who was returned from captivity without a sword hand. The death of Queen Rhaynees Targaryen at Hellholt was Aegon’s greatest loss, inciting his vengeful "Dragon's Wroth," during which he relentlessly attacked Dornish strongholds.

The escalating violence led Aegon and Visenya to place bounties on Dornish lords, which was reciprocated by bounties on the Targaryens. This cycle of vengeance necessitated the creation of the elite Kingsguard to protect the royal family.

The war concluded in 13 AC after Princess Deria Martell's peace mission.

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