Did Saruman breed Orcs and Men?
In this video, we explore one of Saruman’s most horrifying acts as revealed in Morgoth's Ring, Part Five: Myths Transformed: the creation of half-orcs. Over generations, men under Morgoth’s influence became corrupted, descending into orc-like behavior. Saruman, in his lust for power, rediscovered this dark practice in the Third Age. Driven by his desire for dominance, he bred men and orcs together, creating two horrific hybrids: the strong and cunning men-orcs, and the treacherous orc-men. This vile deed marked Saruman’s complete descent into evil, as he sought to control Middle-earth with his monstrous creations.
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In Morgoth's Ring, Part Five: Myths Transformed, we are introduced to one of Saruman's most wicked deeds: the creation of half-orcs. During earlier ages, it became apparent that men, when subjected to the influence of Morgoth or his agents, could be reduced to a state of mind and behavior that closely resembled orcs. Over generations, these men, degraded and corrupted, could be forced to mate with orcs, resulting in the birth of new hybrid breeds. These creatures were often larger, more cunning, and even more dangerous than pure orcs. Saruman, in his obsession with power and mastery over all, rediscovered or learned of this horrific practice. In the Third Age, he carried out this vile act, breeding orcs and men together. The result was the creation of two types of abominations: men-orcs, who were physically stronger and more cunning, and orc-men, who were treacherous and vile. This marked Saruman’s ultimate descent into evil.

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