Why Gray Collar Jobs Are the Future of Work!

All right, everybody, welcome back for another deep dive. Today we're gonna be looking at something a little different. OK. We're gonna be talking about gray-collar jobs. Now I know what you might be thinking. You might be thinking, blue-collar, but it's not just blue-collar, it's a little more than that. It's a combination.

It's a combination exactly of blue-collar and white-collar. So we're talking skilled trades, we're talking health care, we're talking technology, but it's that combination of hands-on labor with some technical skills as well.

So like a robotics technician or something like that. Yeah, like somebody who can program a robot to do welding. Oh wow! But can also fix the robot when it breaks down, you know what I mean? That makes sense.

So we're gonna be diving into this idea of gray collar jobs and why they might actually be a better career path than those traditional white collar jobs. I'm interested to see what you found. OK, well, we've got this great article here called

"Why Grey Collar Jobs Can Be Better Than White Collar Roles." And it starts right off the bat talking about this really fascinating thing: high demand, job security. We've got this whole shortage. Yeah, we hear about that all the time of skilled labor. And it's only continuing to grow, right? So you've got all these industries. Healthcare technology, skilled trades, plumbers, electricians. Yeah, yeah, exactly. All these industries that are really desperate for people, and those people are hard to find right now.

They're hard to find people with the right skills. Yeah. And so that means that if you go into one of these gray collar fields, you're probably going to have a job. You're probably going to have a job for a long time. For a long time. Yeah, that's a good point, which is something that you can't really say about a lot of these white collar jobs, like with all this new AI stuff coming out. Exactly, you know, yeah, you could be replaced by a computer tomorrow, who knows? But if you're a plumber and you can fix somebody's toilet, you're going to have a job. You're gonna have a job. It's job security. And not just job security. The money is good. Oh yeah. Did you know that plumbers in some cities can make six figures?

Really? Wow. I mean, you always hear about how you need to go to college to make good money, right, right. But maybe that's not always true. That's not always true. Welders, electricians, all these people can make a really good living, a really good living, especially early on in their careers without all that student loan debt. Exactly.

You don't have to go to college for four years, rack up all this debt, all that time in school. You get out there, you can get a job, and you can start making money right away.

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