Who Are the Valar?
Explore the epic tale of the Valar, the fourteen mighty Ainur, who descended into Arda after being shaped by Eru's divine thought. Tasked with bringing order to the world and opposing the dark ambitions of Melkor, the Valar used the music of Ilúvatar to shape Arda's landscape. While Melkor sought to rule Arda for himself, the Valar established their first home in Almaren before moving to the golden city of Valinor, where they created the legendary Máhanaxar, the Ring of Doom.
Serving alongside them were the Maiar, powerful beings including Sauron, Gandalf (Olórin), and the fearsome Balrogs. After an intense battle, Melkor was cast beyond the world by the Valar, but his influence lingered. In the Second Age, the Valar created the island of Númenor, which eventually sank when its king defied their will. As Sauron’s power rose once more, the Valar sent the Istari—five wise Maiar—to Middle-earth to aid in the struggle against this ancient evil.
Dive deep into the lore of Tolkien's universe, where divine beings shape the fate of the world in an eternal battle between light and darkness.
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The Valar were the fourteen powerful Ainur who, after being shaped by Eru's thought, entered Arda to bring order and oppose Melkor's evil. Through the music of Ilúvatar, they helped shape the world, each contributing except Melkor, who desired to rule Arda himself. After creating Arda, the Valar first dwelt on Almaren but later moved to Valinor, establishing their golden city and Máhanaxar, the Ring of Doom. They were served by the Maiar, powerful beings like Sauron, Gandalf (Olórin), and the Balrogs. Melkor was defeated after the Battle of the Powers but later returned, causing great turmoil. The Valar eventually defeated him and cast him beyond the world. In the Second Age, they created Númenor, which was later sunk when its king defied the Valar. To counter Sauron's rising power, the Valar sent five Maiar, the Istari, to aid Middle-earth against his evil.

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