Introduction to Episode 1- Nick Cage Movies: A Dive into the Wild World of Cage!

Hey there, what’s goin on? Allow me introduce ourselves, at “Introduction to” we want to introduce people to subjects that they may have heard of and are interested in, but never know where or how to begin.

For our first Episode, we thought we’d start with an “Introduction tooo…. [insert drum roll]... Nick Cage!”

Ever been at a bar at 1 am and somebody shouts out: “Put the bunny back in the box” or “I’m a little tired.. I’m a little wired!” or how about “I’m going to steal the declaration of independence!”? And you’re like “What the hell are these whack jobs going on about?”. Well, now you can be the one to yell out “there’s only two men I trust, one of them’s me and the others not you!” and be one of those very same whack jobs!

On that note, let’s get you intro’ed to THE Cage.

Start with Raising Arizona: A young THE Cage with a hairline in its prime plays a goofy ex-con who, along with his wife (played by Holly Hunter) steals a baby. Written and directed by the Coen Brothers, throw in John Goodman and wham! Instant 80’s comedy classic. Never, though I’d miss the 80’s. What the hell happened???

Anyway, moving on we have The Rock. Remember young un’s: Great Spy movies never get old. Making shit go Crash Boom Bang is fun. Cool guys don’t look back at explosions.

So who you gonna call when you have to break into Alcatraz? To stop a bunch of renegade army dudes who broke into Alcatraz, to launch missiles at California, filled with shiny green balls that do amazingly bad things to people, in an attempt to avenge fallen US soldiers in wars propagated by a bunch of swamp land politicians?

THE CAGE playing a sensitive chemical weapons scientist that likes to play his acoustic guitar shirtless and Sean “Friggin” Connery (a former British SAS dude who was captured by the americans for having information. Wait a minute, didn’t Sean Connery play James Bond? Wasn’t James Bond an SAS dude. Could this dude be James Bond??? - Could it???

With one of the best balcony barber scene’s morphing into one of the best car chase scene of our times, a fantastic villain in Ed Harris and some solid THE Cage one-liners, you’d be a fool to ignore it. A fool I tell you, a fool!! You’d be a fool to ignore it. Apologies, got carried away there, channeling my inner Cage.

And in closing and harkening back to feeling a little wired and a little tired. Welcome to Gone in 60 Seconds. Before Vin Diesel decided to rip of The Cage. There was the the Raines brothers! Randall and Memphis Raines! La Familia!

The Cage, an old “retired” car thief, pulled back into the game by a Brit addicted to wood intent on killing his little brother for a botched car heist. This movie has it all - a bitchin’ soundtrack, a cast that’ll make you go “hey I know that dude” and damn Angelina Jolie was pretty hot, cars that make you go “Uh” and The Cage waving his hands with an hairline that refuses to surrendered!

While these are just three, there are a whole bunch of movies with The Cage that we recommend once you’re done with these three, you try the others we recommend: Video editor dude: Pleae Roll them on screen now!

And While we would love to hear your comments on movies you think should be seen as opposed to these such as Con Air, Face Off, Ghost Rider, National Treasure, Leaving Las Vegas, The Unbearable weight of massive talent, etc, etc. We humbly ask you to put the bunny back in the box.

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