Aegon Targaryens Conquest

Explore the conquest of Aegon I Targaryen as depicted in Fire & Blood by George R.R. Martin. Learn about the unification of the Seven Kingdoms and the pivotal battles that solidified Targaryen rule. #GameOfThrones #AegonTheConqueror #FireAndBlood

Following the Doom of Valyria, Aegon the Conqueror and his sisters, Visenya and Rhaenys, fled to Dragonstone. In 2 BC, they began their campaign to unite the fractured Seven Kingdoms of Westeros.

House Hoare of the Iron Islands held the Riverlands and Harrenhal, where Aegon unleashed Balerion the Black Dread, reducing Harrenhal to ashes. House Gardener of the Reach and House Lannister of the Westerlands united against Aegon but faced defeat at the Battle of the Field of Fire, where dragons devastated their combined forces.

House Stark in the North and House Arryn in the Vale chose submission over destruction. Aegon's diplomatic marriage alliances and military might ultimately led to the crowning of the first Targaryen king on the Iron Throne.

Aegon’s conquest marked the beginning of Targaryen rule, establishing a legacy that would shape the future of Westeros.

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